Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day Three

Once again I want to forewarn you that the typos in my posts are when I use my cell phone to do a post. I have the Driod, it rocks but it's hard to get used to using a completely touch screen system. We will give it a name, how's...Droid. When I make a post from my cell I will refer to it as Droid.

As I was saying about the gym thing. I want to find the best deal and I think I found it, maybe. My health insurance is through Blue Cross Blue Shield and they offer a membership for $29 a month, no contract, its universal to several gyms in my area. Only issue is is that it is not for a gym that I want to go to. Believe it or not, I have social anxiety espescially when men are involved. You know ladies that most of us don't like exercising in front of men because we know all they think about is sex. Imagine my fat butt a wigglin' jiggling about on an eliptical machine, sweating and puffing after two minutes of a pumpin away, so out of breath that I have to get off then end up tripping because I have sea legs then realizing that I'm being judged. I don't want to have to worry about being judged and have not been to a gym since Naturally Women went out of business. The only womens only facility is Curves and I don't feel like that would be enough for me, though it would be some kind of activity. Big turn off for curves is that they have very limited hours. There is a 24 hour Fitness down the road but those are usually unstaffed and that makes me feel weird and vunerable. Am I just making excuses like a fat person usually would or do I have valid issues? If I'm going to be spending my money on a gym membership I want to be able to use it, on my terms. I better get my homework done, talk to you in the morning.....

P.S. Usually when I post from Droid, I'm sitting on the toilet at work (bet you wanted that visual, I never said I was using it), it's usually the only place I have a few minutes to myself to be able to give 2heffersicecream my undivided attention.

1 comment:

  1. Your insecurities are valid but reach deeper than it seems you're letting out, you need to remember to concentrate on yourself and overcome those! I realize it's always seems easier said than done but when you walk out of the gym you'll feel great that you were there and not thinking that some random guy thought you were big.

    Everyone is at the gym for the same goal, to get in shape and at least you're taking that step to become healthy.

    May I also suggest not to starve yourself a slimfast bar isn't going to give you the energy your body needs ... Slim Fast is a fad diet, don't do it! You should start out by eating 4-5 400 calorie meals, that's right frequent small meals are key. Yes you have to calorie count but because you're limited to 400 calories you're more likely to make a healthier choice to keep within that constraint and you're still getting the calories you need to function.

    Lastly, for breakfast try eating a boiled egg or two (protein) and some type of smoothie ... ex. includes kale, spinach, strawberries/blueberries, orange juice, ice and some water then blend (you've got yourself a green power drink)

    For a snack between breakfast and lunch eat a 400 calorie snack of your choice that will hold you over until lunch but keep in mind not to reach for those high calorie sugar items, those will burn right out of you and you'll still be hungry an hour later. So a good example is a yogurt and you can add fruit or a health gronola to it, go with the regular yogurt and not low fat/fat free (they add more sugar to these usually).

    I'm sure you get the idea by now. Ideally you should be about 1600 calories per day so if you go for the 5 400 calorie meals to start with try to cut out one within a few weeks.

    AVOID WHITE FOODS ... White Rice/Bread/Pasta and grab the whole wheat, ranch, sour cream, etc. And also when you're at the grocery store think to yourself would my grandma or greatgrandma eat this, chances are if you've got a box of creme filled pasteries they had no idea they existed.

    If you get that sweet tooth go for something like sorbet much healthier than ice cream.

